



Beautiful Flower Editorial,

here to help your writing blossom...

Editor  |  Writer  |  Educator



Beautiful Flower Editorial  provides editing services for business and professional writing. Beautiful Flower Editorial offers a wide array of writing and editing services including proofreading, copy-editing, re-writing, project management, and coaching.   

Assistance is available for grammar, spelling, style, and formatting. Preserve your own writing "voice" while ensuring that your written materials are professional, error-free, and pleasing to read. 

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For more information on types of editing assistance Beautiful Flower Editorial  offers, please see Editing Services and Rates.

Free consultations and estimates are available.


Beautiful Flower Editorial  is the brainchild of owner Ayana McNair,

whose first name means beautiful flower. The name Ayana is East

African in origin, traceable to locales including Ethiopia and

languages such as Kiswahili